News Flash
William R. Fairchild Int’l Airport Runway Construction Project
n July 6, 2023, construction will commence at William R. Fairchild Int’l Airport to rehabilitate Runway 08/26. Construction elements include: repaving 5000’ of runway; replacement/upgrade of various lighting systems; repaint runway markings; redesignate Runway 08/26...
PUBLIC NOTICE – POPA Announces Proposed DBE Participation
PUBLIC NOTICE The Port of Port Angeles hereby announces its proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal of 5.2% for the FAA-funded contracts/agreements. The proposed goal pertains to federal fiscal years 2024 through 2026. A teleconference will...
West PABH Launch Ramp Floats Installation Date Set
The floats at the Port Angeles Boat Haven West launch ramp will be installed for the spring and summer months on Wednesday, March 29, 2023. It's almost boating season! Photo Credit: Community Boating Program, check out this local nonprofit and get on the water today!
Notice of Public Hearing on 2023 Port Comp Scheme of Harbor Improvements
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 2023 PORT COMPREHENSIVE SCHEME OF HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS Notice is hereby given that proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements for the Port of Port Angeles for the year 2023 has been prepared and placed on file at...
Annual Airport Appreciation Day & Fly-In
Come on, come all - the Annual Airport Appreciation Day & Fly-In returns this Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 10:00 am. Come join us as we celebrate our airport with live music, food, and fun for the whole family. Children can even take a ride in an airplane for free! So...
Port Angeles Earth Day Celebration – April 23, 2022
Come Help Us Celebrate Earth Day, 2022 at the City Pier in Port Angeles! Hear calls to action for endangered salmon and orcas from Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe Chairman Ron Allen and confronting the climate crisis from Clallam County Commissioner Mark Ozias. Educate...
Launch Ramp Floats Set for Re-Installation
Spring has officially sprung, and you know what that means!? The floats at the Port Angeles Boat Haven will be reinstalled this week on Friday March 25, 2022. Cheers to happy spring and summer on the water!
Did You Know!?
Did you know that Connex Boxes can be converted and transformed into useable work areas or offices? To date, the Port has 5 of these, with the most recent one being built last year as a capital project. Our Log Yard uses one as an office and there are 4 of these work...
Notice of CERB Planning Grant Application
Notice of CERB Planning Grant Application The Port of Port Angeles is in the process of applying for funding under the Washington State Department of Commerce Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) planning grant program. This potential funding will be used to...
Upcoming Closure of the PABH Fuel Float
Good Evening! We wanted to give all the Port Angeles Boathaven Marina Customers a heads up that the PABH Fuel Float is going to be closed Nov. 15, 2021-February 21, 2022 for a complete replacement. During this time all fueling will take place at the Entrance Float...
West Boat Haven Ramp Removal Date Set
The Port Angeles West Boat Haven ramp bloat is set to be removed for the winter on Monday, October 25, 2021. However, if a significant storm comes up from the North or North East, they will need to be removed sooner. The spring installation date of the ramps will be...
WPPA Spring 2021 Article: Resilience and the Port of Port Angeles
As a precursor to the the WPPA (Washington Public Ports Association) Spring Meeting in May of 2021, guest Wendell Johnson, a Principal Planner at Reid Middleton, Inc., along with the Port's own Chris Hartman, Director of Engineering, produced a the blog (link below)...