n July 6, 2023, construction will commence at William R. Fairchild Int’l Airport to rehabilitate Runway 08/26. Construction elements include: repaving 5000’ of runway; replacement/upgrade of various lighting systems; repaint runway markings; redesignate Runway 08/26 to 09/27 due to magnetic variation changes; regroove runway; and upgrade several instrument approach systems. This will be the first major resurfacing on the runway in over 20 years and is a much-needed project to ensure the runway will last decades into the future. Project funding will be through grants provided by the FAA Airport Improvement Program, Washington State Department of Transportation, and the Port of Port Angeles.
In order that users understand airport operational impacts, the following timeline is provided:
**Detailed information available to pilots through the FAA NOTAM System
Day 1 – Runway 08/26 and Runway 13/31 Closed; all instrument approaches secured. Closure is required to stage construction equipment and mark temporary runway.
Day 2-31 – Runway 08/26 (2500’ of usable runway available on western end of runway). Runway 13/31 Closed. LOC deactivated.
Day 32 – Runway 08/26 and Runway 13/31 Closed; all instrument approaches secured. Closure is required to restage construction equipment for the second phase.
Day 33-73 – Runway 08/26 closed. Runway 13/31 Open. LOC deactivated.
Day 74 – Runway 08/26 and Runway 13/31 Closed; all instrument approaches secured. Closure is required to restage construction equipment for the third phase.
Day 75-89 – Runway 08/26 Open Day Only. Runway 13/31 Closed. LOC deactivated. Runway lighting deactivated.
Day 90 – Project Complete