Contracting Opportunities

Call for Bids

Check out the current items the Port has out to bid in the Bid Center.

Small Works Contracting Opportunities Available through MSRC

Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) is an online-shared small public works contractor roster and consultant services roster for local governments in Washington State. The Port of Port Angeles now uses MSRC when searching for eligible contractor and consultant service providers by service category.

The MRSC Rosters is a fee-based service for all participants charged annually. There is also free option to register for contractors and consultants to register for individual agency rosters. It is a convenient and cost-effective way for marketing services to agencies statewide through only one registration process. You can visit the MSRC website here.

For assistance with the application process contact:

MRSC Rosters Manager, Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington
2601 Fourth Avenue, Suite 800
Seattle, WA 98121-1280
Ph: 206-625-1300, ext. 105

Facilities Manager, Port of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1350
Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
Ph: 360-417-3446

About MRSC Rosters
MRSC Rosters is an online database for Washington State local government agencies (cities, counties, school districts, and special districts) to solicit work from contractors eligible to bid on small public works projects (projects under $300,000) and to solicit work from consultants. Public works projects, professional services, and personal services valued at over $300,000 are advertised for (notices to bidders and requests for proposals) in Clallam County newspapers as well as the Daily Journal of Commerce.

As a shared roster system, MRSC Rosters provides agencies with access to a current contractor and consultant list, while at the same time allowing contractors and consultants the marketing advantage of reaching multiple agencies through just one roster application process. Learn more about MSRC here.