Community Support

The Port of Port Angeles strives to create and participate in a thriving community in Clallam County. The Port accomplishes this goal by fee waivers, the Community Partner Program, Maritime Festival and the John Wayne Marina Waterfront Day. Please learn more about these efforts below…

Community Partner Program

For 2025, the Port Commission has indicated there will be an emphasis on new organizations who have not previously received funding through this program. This will not be to the exclusion of all other applicants, but applications from new groups may be scored more favorably. 

The Port of Port Angeles’ 2025 Community Partner Program offers matching funds of up to $25,000 for use in eligible economic development projects, education projects, community events, and environmental stewardship programs. To be eligible, the applicant must be a public or non-profit group or an incorporated or unincorporated small city of no more than 10,000 residents.


Community Event: A community event is a local event or activity which may attract non-Clallam County residents. A community event must provide the Port the opportunity to educate and market the Port to the event attendees.

Education Project: An education project will identify, evaluate, and/or provide exposure to local needs and opportunities in the areas of workforce training, vocational outreach and/or career education for Clallam County residents in manufacturing and the skilled trades.

Economic Development Project: An economic development project promotes the creation and/or retention of jobs and the growth of household incomes in Clallam County, through the development of new industry and trades or through the expansion of existing industry and trades, including trades that rely on the use of Port properties and facilities.

Environmental Stewardship Project: An environmental stewardship program promotes environmental improvements through projects such as watershed management and habitat protection (RCW 35.21.278; RCW 53.08.255). Environmental stewardship projects require, by statute, a 3:1 cost-share match by the applicant. A match may include, but is not limited to, volunteer time at a predetermined rate (including participants’ time), in-kind donations, and cash donations or grants acquired during the project. The Port has restricted this program to the following qualifying applicants: Non-profits and Tribal entities only.

How It Works

The Board of Commissioners determines the total funds available in any calendar year. For 2025, $25,000 will be available for eligible projects and events. 

The application window will open on September 1, 2024 and close at 5:00 pm on September 30, 2024. Following the solicitation period, Port staff forward all eligible proposals to the Board of Commissioners by the first Commission meeting in October. The Board will then award funds to the most worthy proposals, no later than December 1, 2024.

The number and value of individual awards may vary from year to year depending on the selections by the Board of Commissioners, available funds and the proposals submitted. Each successful applicant then has until the end of the 2025 calendar year to spend the project money and submit supporting documentation to the Port of Port Angeles for reimbursement.

Application and Policy

To learn more about the Community Partner Program, please view the current Community Partner Program Application and the Community Partner Program Policy.