Closed Bids

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Closed Bids

The following is a listing of various bid postings. Click on any of the titles for the details on that particular bid.


Real Estate Broker Services RFP

Description: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PORT OF PORT ANGELES COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE SERVICES The Port of Port Angeles is soliciting responses from qualified real estate service firms interested in applying for real estate brokerage services. Obtaining the RFP:...

ClosedPublic Works

Terminal 3 Maintenance Dredging

Publication Date/Time: 3/11/2020 8:00 AM Closing Date/Time: 4/15/2020 2:00 PM Pre-bid Meeting: 03/23/2020 Contact Person: Chris Hartman Director of Engineering 360-417-3422 Related Documents: 00 11 13 Advertisement for Bids...

Boat YardClosedMarinasMarine

Boat Haven Fuel Float Replacement

Description: Boat Haven Fuel Float Replacement – Design The Port of Port Angeles is inviting engineering consulting firms to submit their qualifications for consideration to provide professional services for the Port’s Boat Haven Fuel Float Replacement Project....