Advisory Committees
Timber Advisory Committee
Timber Advisory Committee
On May 23, 2016, the Port of Port Angeles Board of Commissioners established the Timber Advisory Committee (TAC) to obtain community and user input with regard to issues impacting the timber industry and its financial impact on the Port and the economic impact within Clallam County.
The TAC will advise the Port on timber issues, including rules and regulations affecting the timber harvests and opportunities for advanced wood products supply and manufacturing, on environmental issues and as the Commission directs. It will maintain awareness of the Port’s purpose, authorities, and restraints and apply such knowledge in reaching any recommendations to the Port.
Specific areas of recommendation shall be limited to the following, except as may otherwise be directed by the Commission from time to time:
Timber Issues
- Port engagement with State and Federal forest management agencies (regulations, forest plans, timber harvests, Department of Natural Resources arrearages, endangered species, etc.) and legislative activity
- Port engagement with Timber and Forestry organizations
- Budget for research, advocacy and outreach
Mass Timber Products
- Road map for supporting advanced wood products
- Timber supply study
- Budget for research and economic development initiative
- Zoning and building permits
- Timber practices and habitat conservation
- Education
- Carbon Sequestration
The TAC consists of nine members that will be appointed by the Commission for terms of three years.
- Chris Humann
- Ron Hurn
- Riley Fogarty
- Grant Munro
- Joe Murray
- Bill Hermann
- Wes Romberg
- Neris Biciunas
TAC meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 1:00 PM at the Port of Port Angeles located at 338 West 1st Street Port Angeles, WA 98362. Check out the meeting dates and agendas here.